Dealing with Uncertainty

Humans have a natural tendency to feeling safe and secure in an environment they control. Predictability allows the human brain to plan ahead and to have expectations that are consistently met. However, the world is not nearly as predictable as we require in order to feel safe all the time. We cannot control everything, and so, it’s a fact of life that uncertainty is fundamental to the human experience.

This lack of control, therefore, serves as a strong trigger for our stress responses (remember: stress is a reaction that we generate internally).  It is critical to learn how to adjust to unexpected circumstances in a way that does not activate our stress response modes. For example, overthinking, is one of many forms of stress behavior that can result from a lack of control.

Trying to control everything is a conduit to increased stress. The alternative, of course, is to practice acceptance and embrace uncertainty. Practicing this requires practice! This means making a change and acknowledging that life is uncertain and learning to tolerate the discomfort that comes with that uncertainty. Accept that we cannot control everything. Focus attention and energy on the things that are within our control and learn to let go of the rest.


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